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EU calls for input on ‘conflict minerals’
Published :2013-4-11 14:40:24   Views :1792
    The European Commission launched a public consultation on so-called ’conflict minerals’. The aim of the consultation is get interested parties’ views on a potential EU initiative for responsible sourcing of minerals coming from conflict zones and high-risk areas – for example, war zones, post-war zones, and areas vulnerable to political instability or civil unrest.

The Commission wants to deepen its understanding of issues such as the sourcing and security of supply of minerals, supply chain transparency and good governance.

The Commission will use the results to help it decide whether and how, in a reasonable and effective manner, to complement and to continue on-going due diligence initiatives and support for good governance in mineral mining, especially in developing countries affected by conflict. The consultation is open until 26 June 2013 and will be managed by the Commission's Directorate-General for Trade.

In July 2010, President Obama signed H.R. 4173into law, the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Section 1502 of that act imposes reporting requirements on manufacturers of products that contain metals derived from minerals that originate in the Democratic Republic of Congo or an adjoining country. These “conflict minerals” include columbitetantalite (coltan, niobium, and tantalum), cassiterite (tin), gold and wolframite (tungsten), their derivatives, and any others so designated by the U.S. Secretary of State.

News from http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/press/index.cfm?id=882

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