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Norway prohibits PFOA in consumer products
Published :2013-9-3 17:48:45   Views :1780
    The Norwegian Ministry of Environment has amended its Product Regulations on consumer products to ban the use of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA).

It is prohibited to manufacture, import, export and sell solid and liquid consumer products and textiles that contain PFOA and individual salts and esters of PFOA from 1 juni 2014 er det forbudt å produsere, importere, eksportere og omsette forbrukerprodukter og tekstiler som inneholder perfluoroktansyre (PFOA) og enkelte salter og estere av PFOA i Norge.June 2014 in Norway.  Det er knyttet en grenseverdi til forbudet. Limitation of different product types: 0.001 percent PFOA in a mixture, 1 micrograms / square meter in textiles and 0.1 percent at constant product's component parts.

The restrictions also extend to adhesive, foil or tape in semiconductors and photographic coatings for film, paper or screen by 1 January 2016. The prohibitions do not apply to food packaging, food contact materials and medical devices.

PFOA is a persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) substance that has been used in a variety of consumer products for many years. It can be used in the production of water-resistant "breathable" outer jackets. It may also be used to treat carpets and textiles to make them resistant to water and dirt.

More information could be found at http://www.miljodirektoratet.no/no/Nyheter/Nyheter/Old-klif/2013/juni-2013/Forbyr-PFOA-i-norske-forbrukerprodukter/

News from the Norwegian Ministry of Environment  

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